I was steamed at the disparity between the barrage of media messages and government food guidelines to eat healthfully and how we make it so difficult to do so...
My diet is actually high in carbs -- oatmeal, beans and lots of non-starchy vegetables...
When I got diabetes I was depressed. I was even at one point thinking about ending my life. The pain was too much to handle...
The NYC Health Department wants people to give up sugary drinks, but people won't - and I'll tell you why...
I look at a diagnosis of diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, as a point of renewal...
We’re planning a trial in China to block the progression of type 1 at the onset, and see if it’s possible to transplant organs and tissue without the use of lifelong immune suppression drugs...
Many health care providers have forgotten, or don't realize, the enormous healing power of being fully engaged and present with their patients...
I see in diabetes we are in a constant state of doing the wrong thing and then trying to make it right...
Call me late to the game, this book came out last year, but I just read Dr. David Kessler's The End of Overeating, Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite. Wow! If you haven't read it, you should. It's never too late to tell someone about a good book.
I can no longer look at food as anything but salt loaded on fat loaded on sugar.
This oatmeal is so delicious and nutritious you'll want to eat it for every meal, but breakfast is probably...