Category: Apps

Diabetes Emojis

Diabetes Emojis: The Inspiration Behind the Images

No existing emoji could properly symbolize a glucose tablet, an insulin pump, or a vial of insulin. Amy Ohmer, owner and creator of NaturallySweetSisters, decided to change this; thus, the DiabetesEmoticons app was born.
Dexcom Share

Dexcom Share: A Surprising First Impression

With the Dexcom Share usage sweeping the diabetes community, my adult daughter with diabetes and I decided to experiment. She – the person with diabetes- would get one and let me look in on her life with diabetes for a while. She’d see what it was like – after all these years of independence – to have someone oversee her diabetes life. I – the parent of someone with diabetes—would see – after years of trusting her and supporting her from afar – if I could handle seeing how life goes for her minute by minute.

Lifebringer: This New Diabetes App is a Virtual Caregiver

Lifebringer is a free, interactive web-based app for type 1 and 2 diabetics, as well as newly diagnosed diabetics, that goes beyond simply tracking blood sugars and organizing numbers input users. It also uses Meehan’s program, called Nagbot, to interact with the user. Nagbot sends encouraging emails to the user over their computer, tablet, or mobile device reminding them to test, or letting them know how they’re doing, and suggesting ways to improve their health. Nagbot, in other words, acts as a helpful companion.

HelpAround: A Crowdsourced Safety Net for People With Diabetes

I have no doubt that HelpAround will benefit the diabetes community. Our lives depend on supplies, after all, but with our busy lifestyles and scattered minds, forgetting something is a real risk. As we begin to use HelpAround, other communities will learn and become inspired by the solidarity among people with diabetes.
Tandem Diabetes Care Logo

FDA Approves t:connect Diabetes Management Application for Use With Tandem’s t:slim Insulin Pump

The U.S. FDA cleared Tandem's t:connect Diabetes Management Application, the web-based data management companion to the t:slim Insulin Pump. The t:connect Application is a Mac and PC-compatible data management software application that provides t:slim pump users and their healthcare providers a fast, easy, and visual way to display data from the pump and supported blood glucose meters.