Alex O’Meara
Alex O’Meara

Alex was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 36 years ago. Since then he has run six marathons – the first when we was 15 – and the latest a few years ago. In 2006 Alex underwent islet cell transplant and was, for some time, insulin independent. He now lives in Southeastern Arizona where he is working on a novel, teaching college English, pursuing a Master’s degree, and training to run his first 50 mile race.

Diluting Insulin

The Unmet Need For Diluted Insulin

While insulin has recently been engineered to be more concentrated, faster acting, and overall more powerful, there is also a need for insulin…
Stem Cell Trial in Brazil Suggests

A Personalized Diabetes Cure?

A predictive test could tell researchers whether or not stem cell or islet cell transplant to ‘cure’ diabetes will work. As a person…