Ross Wollen
Ross Wollen

Ross Wollen is a chef and writer based in Maine's Midcoast region. Before moving East, Ross was a veteran of the Bay Area restaurant and artisanal food scenes; he has also worked as a food safety consultant. As executive chef of Belcampo Meat Co., Ross helped launch the bone broth craze. Since his diagnosis with Type 1 diabetes in 2017, he has focused on exploring the potential of naturally low-carb cooking. Follow Ross on Twitter: @RossWollen

Does BMI Really Matter?

Does BMI Really Matter?

Body Mass Index, the one number that nearly everyone uses to categorize overweight and obesity, is pretty much garbage. This isn’t actually controversial…
Vermont Governor Caps Insulin Costs at $100 Per Month

Will Weekly Basal Insulin be Game Changer?

Called “transformational” by its lead investigator, a new weekly basal insulin cleared a major hurdle by posting positive results in a phase 2…