Every person with diabetes has one: a story of a diabetes-related comment they received that completely left them reeling. There are memes and videos dedicated to these comments. The wise folks at Behavioral Diabetes Institute even made pocket-sized etiquette cards you can hand out to try to save people from their own big mouths.
Somehow, the hardworking souls who put together the Diabetes & Heart Healthy Cookbook made it all work. The book is a joint effort from the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association, so while I was eager to try out some of the recipes, I was also slightly wary of what I’d find inside. Would the recipes call for abominations like sugar-free jelly or spray margarine? How much kale would be involved?
I became vigilant in my bladder awareness, afraid that I would find myself having to use the bathroom somewhere far away from that damn orange jug. What if I forgot? What if I lost it? (What?! Where would I lose it?)...