Kerri Sparling
Kerri Sparling

Kerri Sparling has been living with type 1 diabetes since 1986 and writes the diabetes blog She believes in diabetes advocacy, patient empowerment, and strong coffee. Kerri lives in Rhode Island with her husband, her daughter, and an unfortunate army of cats.

The Neighborhood KNOW Foods Party

The Neighborhood KNOW Foods Party

THIS POST IS SPONSORED BY KNOW FOODS The large, white cardboard box from KNOW Foods was delivered last week, left on our doorstep like a present from…
7 Pumpkin Spice Products for People with Diabetes

7 Pumpkin Spice Products for People with Diabetes

I enjoy fall as much as the next New Englander, but I’ve yet to find a pumpkin spice latte that’s worth the blood sugar bounce. When it comes to my carbs,…
Balancing_Diabetes - Home

Bringing Your Diabetes to Work

As a person with diabetes, preparing for an interview also includes the internal debate as to if, and when, it is best to let your employer know you have diabetes. Safety is a top priority for me, and I’m not comfortable being involved in work or social situations without at least someone knowing I have diabetes. I want my employer to know that I have diabetes because that keeps me safest.

Diabetes New Year’s Resolutions

I can’t resolve to keep my fasting blood sugars between 70 – 110 mg/dL every morning because there are more variables in play than simply my resolve. But there is a “CAN.” What I can resolve to do is test my blood sugar every single morning and make solid decisions based on that number, whatever it may be.
Cupcake Holder

Sticking It to Diabetes

I have a hard time subscribing to the “eat cupcakes to stick it to diabetes” mentality. Sticking it to diabetes by way of consuming mass amounts of excessively-sweet carbohydrates doesn’t make me feel like I’m sticking it to diabetes. Instead, I feel like I’m sticking it to myself, creating a tough-to-manage situation.