Category: Living

The Essential Diabetes Auntie

The Essential Diabetes Auntie

There’s another kind of auntie our world needs: this one’s bond with the person comes not from blood, but from blood sugar. This auntie’s advice, compassion, and care comes not from knowing what it means to live with diabetes or care for someone with diabetes.
Let Your Child With Diabetes be Sad 2

Let Your Child With Diabetes be Sad

Michelle Sorensen, M.ED, Clinical Psychologist is passionate about increasing the counseling capacity of healthcare professionals who support people loving with type 1 diabetes. The majority of healthcare professionals have been trained in directing and educating clients but Sorensen sees that people living with type 1 diabetes respond better to a counseling approach. “It’s about understanding how you help the patient tap into their own resources,” says Sorensen.
Now My Husband And I Both Have Diabetes

Now My Husband And I Both Have Diabetes

I can deal with my own diabetes. This is my life. But my husband? He is the strong one, the one with no health issues who is tough and barely ever gets a cold.
Sharing the Responsibility of a Kid with Type 1 Diabetes 1

Sharing the Responsibility of a Kid with Type 1 Diabetes

Andrew and I have since separated. Type 1 diabetes was not the cause of this decision, but more the last in a series of hurdles our marriage just couldn’t overcome. But while nothing about divorce is easy, the simple acknowledgment that we weren’t working well together anymore has actually strengthened our ability to tackle diabetes, and parenting in general, as a team.