Category: Diabetes Advocacy

Team Joslin

Running the Falmouth Road Race for Team Joslin

Team Joslin is a group of generous and dedicated individuals from all over the world who participate in athletic events to raise funds for Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, MA. The funds raised through these events contribute to Joslin’s mission to prevent, treat and cure diabetes.
Medtronic Minimed Revel

UnitedHealthcare, We Need Insulin Pump Choices

In its May bulletin to healthcare providers, UnitedHealthcare (@myUHC) announced that, starting July 1st 2016, Medtronic would be its “preferred” in-network provider of insulin pumps for its adult customers with Type 1 diabetes. This means that, with a few exceptions, if you’ve got Type 1 diabetes and health insurance from United, your next pump is going to be Medtronic. And since United is the nation’s largest insurance company, it’s conceivable that other insurance companies will follow suit.
Insulin for Syrians withe Diabetes

Insulin Desperately Needed for Syrians With Diabetes

T1International works alongside people with diabetes around the world to advocate for access to diabetes supplies. The charity is currently running their Insulin for Syrians campaign, encouraging people to donate money that will be used to provide insulin and diabetes supplies to families in Aleppo and other locations in Syria where aid has been cut off.
We Are Diabetes -

Talk About Diabulimia, But Don’t Teach It

Nearly 20 years ago, a teenage girl with type 1 diabetes read an article in a well-established diabetes publication about “diabulimia.” More specifically, she read the sidebar of the article that essentially taught her how to skip her insulin injections for the sake of weight loss. Despite reading the sentence explaining just how severely dangerous this behavior was, the girl absorbed only the part about losing weight.
The SIgn at Mike's Pig Pen

Restaurant Told Diabetics to Inject Insulin in the Bathroom

I have a child with type 1 diabetes. That means on many occasions I’ve helped my kid use insulin at a table in a restaurant. Taking him to a bathroom to give him an injection would send a message to him and the rest of the world that he should be ashamed of having type 1 diabetes, that he’s doing something dirty or illicit.
Remembering Kitty Castellini

Remembering Kitty Castellini

My dear friend, Kitty Castellini passed away this week. She lived with type 1 diabetes for over 50 years. Kitty was a longtime diabetes advocate and president and founder of Diabetes Living Today.
Inspired by Diabetes: An Interview with Caroline Carter, Miss New Hampshire 2016

Inspired by Diabetes: An Interview with Caroline Carter, Miss New Hampshire 2016

Caroline Carter never imagined she’d trade her basketball sneakers for stilettos, but in a few months this 18-year-old Miss New Hampshire will compete for the Miss America crown in Atlantic City. In the meantime, Carter talks about her type 1 diabetes diagnosis day, the people who inspire her, and her belief that diabetes should never be an excuse.

Fashion, Advocacy and Community: How a Gown Stole a JDRF Gala Show

Shortly after I received the incredible news that my husband and I would be honored at the 2016 JDRF One Night Gala in Boston this year, I got a message from fellow D-mom, Darlene, a talented seamstress. “I am making you an original gown for this event," she said. "And… it’s my gift to you.”