Category: Parenting (Children)

How to Feed Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Trust Model

How to Feed Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Trust Model

With Type 1 diabetes there will be special circumstances, but overall, the trusting approach that sDOR presents will help a child in the long run. Some of the traditional ways of managing diabetes can undermine a person's trust with their hunger and fullness cues, and constantly correcting highs and lows can contribute to a cycle of forcing foods when a child is not hungry.”
How I Keep My Teen with Type 1 Diabetes Happy in the Summer

How I Keep My Teen with Type 1 Diabetes Happy in the Summer

I need to remember that communication isn’t just about me telling her what to do, but actually listening to what she has to say. We talk about situations that are going to occur and make plans for how to handle those events. While Kate may act like the last thing she wants to do is talk to me about all this, she knows talking it out ahead of time helps her win the freedom to not talk to me while she is out and around
Young Adults with Diabtes Home for the Summer

Young Adults with Diabetes Home for the Summer

Stepping back into those old parenting habits when your child already lives on their own and does just fine can ruin a perfectly wonderful visit or summer stay. So, what’s a parent to do? I am hoping by thinking it out ahead of time and making myself aware, I’ll avoid the pratfalls many of us face when our young adults come home.
superheroes - home

Type 1 Diabetes Unites Classmates

My son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes almost three years ago, when he was four. He started kindergarten as the only diabetic in a relatively small class of kids in a very small public school in a rural part of New York. And then, just as the school year ended, one of his classmates was diagnosed with type 1.
Diabetes Alert Dog - Home

Living with a Diabetes Alert Dog

After thorough research on diabetes service dogs, we decided to work with Diabetic Alert Dogs of America. On February 18, 2015, our son became the handler of a diabetes alert dog (DAD), a wonderful male Goldendoodle, appropriately named Jellybean.
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How to Integrate New Diabetes Technology into Schools

The school was there to figure out a way to help my daughter embrace pumping without having to leave the classroom to go to the nurse a bunch of times a day. Together we eventually came up with a plan that worked, but it didn’t happen overnight. It took time, and it also required me to understand the school’s needs, point of view and accept how they might need to come up short of what my expectations at home would be.
Life As A Diabetes Poster Child - Lauren Speaks at JDRF

I Was A Diabetes Poster Child

No hospital pictures, ever. When someone is sick and in the hospital, they are vulnerable and unhappy. I don’t want to be exploited like that – especially not for the sake of advocacy.
Parenting with Diabetes

Does Diabetes Interfere With Your Parenting?

My five-year-old daughter thinks diabetes is something she will have when she’s a mom. Like me, she’ll write stories, have brown hair, have two kids, and have diabetes. Diabetes often needs my attention just like her little brother does. And sometimes diabetes takes priority over both of them. And I resent that.
A Type 1 Diabetes Guide To The Universe

A Type 1 Diabetes Guide To The Universe

Many parents feel at a loss as to how to be effective parents around diabetes stuff if they’ve never heard a healthcare professional tell them that it’s okay to be parents around diabetes in the same way that they’ve parented in every other area.