What would Amy Chua, author of The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, do if one of her daughters had type 1 diabetes?
Category: Parenting (Children)
A nurse tested Nate's blood glucose level, turned around, and walked out without a word. When the doctor came back in, I wanted to run away...
The place where instability shows up, not as a feeling, but as something concrete, is in my blood sugar numbers.
A new study by University of Pittsburgh researchers has found that women who exclusively breastfeed their children for at least one month are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
The researchers studied the records of 2233 women, including 1828 mothers of which 56% breastfed their children for at least one month...
Fruity-smelling breath can be a sign of diabetic ketoacidosis. It can, of course, also be a sign of having eaten fruit...
When I left for college it was especially important for me to quickly get into a good health routine where diabetes came first...
The PDRC is a new state-of-the-art diabetes research and clinical center under the Department of Pediatrics at the University of California, San Diego...
If you can get a schedule that works with your insulin regimen, you’ve been blessed. So try for that...
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) issued a statement expressing extreme disappointment in the California Court of Appeal ruling in the case of American Nurses Association et al. v. O’Connell, which prevents non-medical school personnel from volunteering to administer insulin to California schoolchildren who are not yet able to self-manage their disease...
College is stressful, difficult, and time consuming. Diabetes is stressful, difficult, and time consuming. You should know this from the start...