Category: Travel

Getting Unstuck in Bali With Ketut

I wanted to believe Ketut was a visionary and at the same time reject him as a benevolent fraud. The truth is, he is neither...

Never Check Your Diabetes Bag

Lost luggage: Just about every frequent traveler has had to deal with it. My own worst loss of luggage happened when I flew to Turkey and my suitcase went to London. It was the same trip that Mike forgot to pack his glucometer.

101 Places Not To See Before You Die

Now out from HarperPaperbacks, 101 Places Not To See Before You Die -- by ASweetLife contributor Catherine Price -- is a guide to some of the least appealing destinations and experiences in the world.

Eating Abroad with Diabetes – Hong Kong

For the past year I’ve lived in Hong Kong, and while it is not exactly China, it is Cantonese. And there is a Cantonese saying, “Anything that walks, swims, crawls, or flies with its back to heaven is edible.”