Category: Art & Books

Raising Teens with diabetes

Pumps vs Injections: An Excerpt From “Raising Teens with Diabetes”

Pumping insulin can offer a person with diabetes more freedom, more precision, and less stress on a management basis. But they can be tricky, too: pumps need to be paid attention to quite closely. So what are the benefits of pumping, and what are the benefits of MDI? Both offer their own, and while many like to claim pumping is the only right choice, in reality, with the many types of insulin available today, the decision of pump versus MDI is mostly a personal one.

Caffeinated: How Our Daily Habit Helps, Hurts, and Hooks Us (Book Review)

Carpenter traces the world history of caffeine, which is foundation for his argument that we have been hooked for a long, long time. The first documented habitual use has been traced to the Soconusco region of Mexico, a sweltering, rainy plain region along the Pacific coast. Archaeological evidence 3,500 years old indicates that the Izapans, Mayans, and Aztecs relied on chocolate in ceremonies (including human sacrifice), as currency, and in warfare.
Good Like This

Diabetes in Fiction: Good Like This by Peter Arpesella

My superpower is to be healthy and constantly in touch with myself. Diabetes is a built-in mechanism that requires me to be honest with myself. I can’t be in denial. I can make mistakes, of course, because I am a human being. But I cannot be in denial.

Book Review: Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris

When his most recent collection, Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls, was published last spring, the title made me wonder if Sedaris, who is over 50, was newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or if it was his boyfriend Hugh or father or siblings – all people who make frequent appearances in his work – with a diagnosis.
Good Like This

50 Shades of Diabetes

Don't let the title mislead you... this is not an erotic novel where syringe and vial discover their passion for one another. 50 Shade of Diabetes is how one reviewer described Perter Arpesella's new novel, Good Like This.

Book Excerpt: Islands and Insulin, A Diabetic Sailor’s Memoir

The fear and frustration of diabetes fences me in. It has slowly worn me out. I have to get back to the girl I was before all this diabetes shit started. The girl who feared nothing, except being weak. The girl who always accepted a challenge and was ready at any time to go on any journey that presented itself.