Category: CGMs, Meters & Pumps

From Shots to Tandem t:slim Pump

From Shots to Tandem t:slim Pump

I made the decision to go on the Tandem t:slim pump. The t:slim G4 integrates Dexcom's G4 Platinum continuous glucose monitor right onto the home screen. And I really liked the idea of having my CGM data and insulin pump as an all in one device.
Medtronic Minimed Revel

UnitedHealthcare, We Need Insulin Pump Choices

In its May bulletin to healthcare providers, UnitedHealthcare (@myUHC) announced that, starting July 1st 2016, Medtronic would be its “preferred” in-network provider of insulin pumps for its adult customers with Type 1 diabetes. This means that, with a few exceptions, if you’ve got Type 1 diabetes and health insurance from United, your next pump is going to be Medtronic. And since United is the nation’s largest insurance company, it’s conceivable that other insurance companies will follow suit.

Bloodless Glucose Testing Moves Closer to Reality

A bloodless way to test blood sugar has long been the stuff of science fiction. But, now, a group of researchers in Wales is moving an innovative idea of drawing blood without puncturing the skin from the conceptual world of Star Trek to perhaps being available at a pharmacy down the street.