Category: Oral Medication

The Hugely Inflated Prices of Glumetza and Metformin ER

The Hugely Inflated Prices of Glumetza and Metformin ER

I may have been very late to the astonishing price increase of Glumetza, but I am, by coincidence, among the first to report that the generic price is almost as ridiculous. My bill, $14,009.23, was for the generic, available, as promised, in February 2016 and manufactured by Lupin, an Indian pharmaceutical company that is the sixth largest maker of generics in the world.
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FDA Revises Labels of SGLT2 Inhibitors

A U.S. FDA safety review has resulted in adding warnings to the labels of a specific class of type 2 diabetes medicines called sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors (such as Invokana, Farxiga and Jardiance) about the risks of too much acid in the blood and of serious urinary tract infections. Both conditions can result in hospitalization.
Dr. Hobbs

The Novo Nordisk Pipeline: An Interview with CMO Todd Hobbs

Todd Hobbs, the chief medical officer for North America at Novo Nordisk, knows diabetes from all angles: as a patient; as an endocrinologist (for ten years he ran a clinical practice focused on patients of all ages with diabetes); as an executive at a pharmaceutical company working to develop new treatments (he’s worked at Novo Nordisk since 2004); and as a parent (one of his six sons was diagnosed with type 1 at age five)
The Hugely Inflated Prices of Glumetza and Metformin ER

Do SGLT2 Inhibitors like Invokana Cause Ketoacidosis?

Only a tiny number of cases of diabetic ketoacidosis have been reported with SGLT2 inhibitor treatment, so this is unlikely to be a major issue for these drugs, which are very useful in controlling blood glucose in a number of ways.
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FDA Approves Glyxambi, New Type 2 Diabetes Medication 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly and Company’s Glyxambi for treatment of adults with type 2 diabetes. Glyxambi is the first and only diabetes treatment in the U.S. to combine the dual mechanisms of ....