Category: Science

Human stem cell derived beta cells

Bringing Beta Cells to Market

The initial study, which will start enrolling next year, will involve about ten patients, who will have the stem-cell derived beta cells injected into their forearms, in the hopes that the cells will start producing insulin within the body.
The Artificial Pancreas, Realizing a Dream in Increments

The Artificial Pancreas, Realizing a Dream in Increments

But here’s the thing: this is not one product. This is not one moment in time. This is an entire new generation of tools and treatment, and it needs an umbrella name for it all to be grouped under. JDRF called it the APP – Artificial Pancreas Project – because it is just that. A project. A mission. Not just one finite goal.

The Artificial Pancreas is Coming, and Other Highlights from ADA 2016

Medtronic announced on June 27 that it has submitted its Hybrid Closed Loop System (otherwise known as the MMT-670G system) to the FDA for approval. While not technically an artificial pancreas, the system consists of two parts: an insulin pump and a continuous glucose monitor. Once the system has been calibrated, the pump uses the readings from the CGM (which are taken every five minutes) to deliver insulin, with the goal of keeping blood sugars within a target range.