Category: Research

Type 1 Diabetic Potential to Create Own Insulin

Researchers from the Peninsula Medical School, working in collaboration with colleagues from Glasgow Royal Infirmary and the University of Brighton, have used a unique collection of pancreas specimens taken from patients who died soon after diagnosis of type 1 diabetes to show that they respond to the ongoing process of destruction by inducing their islet cells to proliferate...

Type 1 Diabetes Associated With Viral Infection

Researchers at the University of Insubria in Varese, Italy, have found a significant link between type 1 diabetes and a common virus that usually only causes a mild infection, according to a Reuters report. The researchers, headed by Antonio Toniolo, studied a small group of 112 children, ages 6-12 with type 1 diabetes. They found that more than 80 percent had evidence of enterovirus infection in their blood....

Insulin Resistance Found in Healthy People After One Sleepless Night

The findings of a new study led by Esther Donga, MD of the Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands show a short night of sleep has more profound effects on metabolic regulation than previously appreciated. ScienceDaily reports previous studies have found that reductions in sleep duration over multiple nights result...

Stem Cell Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes Receives FDA Orphan Drug Designation

Osiris Therapeutics, Inc. announced that it has been granted Orphan Drug designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Prochymal as a treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus. The FDA instituted the Orphan Drug Act to promote the development of treatments for underserved patient populations...
JDRF New Logo

JDRF Funds Clinical Trial to Test Pig Islet Cells

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation announced today that it is partnering with Living Cell Technologies (LCT), a New Zealand-based biotechnology company focused on developing cell based therapeutics, in a Phase II clinical trial to study the safety and effectiveness of transplanting encapsulated insulin-producing cells from pigs as a treatment for type 1 diabetes with significant hypoglycemia unawareness....
Garvin Institute Logo

Fat Loss Boosts Immune System in Obese and Type 2 Diabetics

Scientists from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney Australia have shown for the first time that even modest weight loss reverses many of the damaging changes often seen in the immune cells of obese people, particularly in those with Type 2 diabetes...
Weitzman Institute Logo

Gene May Tie Stress to Obesity and Diabetes

A research team led by Dr. Alon Chen of the Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department has discovered that changes in the activity of a single gene in the brain not only cause mice to exhibit anxious behavior, but also lead to metabolic changes that cause the mice to develop...

Sanofi-Aventis and CureMD sign $335M Deal on Diabetes Cure Development

Sanofi-aventis announced that it has signed a global license agreement with CureDM Group on a novel human peptide, Pancreate™, which could restore a patients’ ability to produce insulin and other pancreatic hormones in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Pancreate™ is a bioactive peptide sequence of a naturally occurring human protein that has been shown...

The Regeneration of Beta Cells

A new study shows alpha cells in the pancreas, the cells which secrete the hormone glucagon, can regenerate themselves into insulin-producing beta cells...
JDRF New Logo

JDRF Funded Researchers Test Topical Drug to Treat Diabetic Macular Edema

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) announced that researchers at the Wilmer Eye Institute of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Maryland completed a multicenter human clinical trial treating diabetic macular edema with mecamylamine, a topical drug developed by the biotech company CoMentis, Inc. Funding for the study was provided by JDRF through its Industry Drug Development Partnership program...