Category: Cure

Curing Diabetes

Curing Diabetes: Would I Do It Again?

The first day off insulin I ate a ham sandwich. My blood sugar didn’t go up. Now I knew how regular people felt after they ate a sandwich. I considered it a miracle...
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Destroying Glucagon Receptors May Cure Diabetes

New findings by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center may hold a cure for type 1 diabetes. According to the findings, type 1 diabetes could be converted to an asymptomatic, non-insulin-dependent disorder by eliminating the actions of a specific hormone...

Russia First Country to Approve Porcine Islet Cell Transplants

Living Cell Technologies announced that its Russian subsidiary, LCT Biomedical Limited, has received registration of the company’s groundbreaking diabetes treatment, DIABECELL, as a marketable medical technology in Russia. Registration allows for the sale and use of the DIABECELL technology in the treatment of type 1 diabetes in Russia....

Diamyd US Phase III Study In Progress

Diamyd Medical announced it has completed the screening of patients for the US Phase III study, DiaPrevent, ending the recruitment campaign. More than 310 recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes patients between 10 and 20 years of age have already been enrolled in the study and have received their first injection of the antigen-based therapy Diamyd or placebo...
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JDRF and Sanofi-aventis Join Forces in Search of Cure for Type 1 Diabetes

Sanofi-aventis and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) announced a unique partnership to develop therapeutic treatments for people with type 1 diabetes at different stages of the disease - both those living with the disease and the newly diagnosed - as well as preventing diabetes in those at risk...
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Researchers Cure Type 1 Diabetes in Mice

Using a sophisticated nanotechnology-based “vaccine,” researchers were able to successfully cure mice with type 1 diabetes and slow the onset of the disease in mice at risk for the disease. The study, co-funded by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, provides new and important insights into understanding how to stop the immune attack that causes type 1 diabetes...

Sanofi-Aventis and CureMD sign $335M Deal on Diabetes Cure Development

Sanofi-aventis announced that it has signed a global license agreement with CureDM Group on a novel human peptide, Pancreate™, which could restore a patients’ ability to produce insulin and other pancreatic hormones in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Pancreate™ is a bioactive peptide sequence of a naturally occurring human protein that has been shown...

The Regeneration of Beta Cells

A new study shows alpha cells in the pancreas, the cells which secrete the hormone glucagon, can regenerate themselves into insulin-producing beta cells...