Category: Food & Nutrition

Are Vegetable and Seed Oils Bad for You?

Are Vegetable and Seed Oils Bad for You?

Fats are good for you: if you pay any attention to the keto and low-carb dieting world, you’ll know that this is a pretty reliable rule of thumb. Keto…
Fight Coronavirus by Eating Healthy

Fight Coronavirus by Eating Healthy

Nutrition is the biggest coronavirus (COVID-19) risk factor that nobody is talking about. It has been widely understood for months now that cardiovascular…
What is nutrient density?

The Most Nutrient-Dense Low Carb Foods

If you read ASweetLife often, you know that we believe a low-carbohydrate or ketogenic diet is key to managing both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Keeping…
Pork Rind Nachos, All the Fixins, 1800 Calories - OMAD Diet

I Tried the OMAD Diet, and I Loved It

What is OMAD? One Meal a Day (OMAD). That’s right, I eat once a day. One large meal, and then no food for the next 23 hours. Why would someone do such a…
Our 12 Best Low Carb Recipes of 2019

Our 12 Best Low Carb Recipes of 2019

ASweetLife’s list of our best low carb recipes of 2019 is here! This was year was better than ever, thanks to chef and writer Ross Wollen joining…