Category: Food & Nutrition

Low Carb Brussels Sprouts Recipes

25 Low Carb Brussels Sprouts Recipes

And just like that, bam it was fall. And that means it’s time to exchange tomatoes and cucumbers for fall veggies like squash and Brussels sprouts.…
7 Pumpkin Spice Products for People with Diabetes

7 Pumpkin Spice Products for People with Diabetes

I enjoy fall as much as the next New Englander, but I’ve yet to find a pumpkin spice latte that’s worth the blood sugar bounce. When it comes to my carbs,…
25 Best Low Carb Muffin Recipes

25 Best Low Carb Muffin Recipes

Ah, the lowly muffin. I think sometimes we underestimate the value of these versatile baked goods. They deserve more recognition. They are easy…
KNOW Foods Knew Just What I Needed

KNOW Foods Knew Just What I Needed

Waffles. From the moment I spied the oversized white cardboard box on my doorstep, I knew exactly what was waiting for me. How appropriate, I thought,…