Category: Eating

How to Wean Yourself Off Diet Soda

How to Wean Yourself Off Diet Soda

Last month, the journal Nature published a study that showed consuming non-caloric artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose, is associated with glucose intolerance – a condition leading to higher-than-normal blood glucose levels.

Seven Steps to a Diabetes Friendly Fridge

A clean, well-stocked refrigerator may be the last thing you associate with better diabetes control. But it can make a bigger difference than you think. In addition to providing an efficient and functional space for healthy food and insulin storage, a spotless and organized refrigerator can keep you from getting sick. People with diabetes are at higher risk for developing serious complications from foodborne illnesses.

Fall Into a Stress-Free Holiday Season

It’s still October, yet the big box store where I shop for household essentials is already festooned in twinkling lights and tinsel. All before…

Add Sunflower Seeds To Your Diet

Sunflower seeds are low carb, nutrient rich, crunchy, nutty-tasting, cute, and versatile. You can sprinkle them on yogurt, cold cereal and granola, salads, and even scrambled eggs. You can also add them to soup, muffins,grind them into flour or into a sunflower seed paste.
Cake and Pizza

5 Truths All People With Diabetes Know

People who don’t know much about diabetes (and who like to get all up in other people’s business) might express their concern about the effects of sugary foods on your health. Little do they know that pizza has always been the real enemy. There’s something about that magical combination of grease, protein, carb-y crust, lactose and tomato sauce that can destroy your blood sugar for hours.
Diabetes Honeymoon

The Three Year Diabetes Honeymoon – Part 2

When I called his doctors and told them he hadn’t been taking insulin for a couple of weeks, they said, give him a half unit of Lantus anyway, because it is very important for him psychologically. He is only five years old, the honeymoon will last probably only a couple of weeks, they told me, and for him it will be very hard emotionally to get back on insulin.
Carbohydrates - Pasta

People With Diabetes Can Eat Everything, Really?

The idea that today people with diabetes can eat everything is supposed to be a liberating philosophy – and certainly, compared to the restricted diets of the past, it is. I’m grateful for faster acting insulins, blood glucose meters and continuous glucose monitoring systems.
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Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis Leads A Woman to Lose 100 Pounds and Make Lasting Changes – Part 2

"To go on a liquid weight loss plan and closely monitor the amount of food that you eat really requires a lot of focus on yourself, a very conscious effort… It can feel like a very selfish act if you're not used to doing that.” In the health changes she has made, Maura has had to carefully think about “who is supportive of that type of change.”
Type 2 diabetes diagnosis and weight loss - Before and After

Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis Leads A Woman to Lose 100 Pounds and Make Lasting Changes

She described her diagnosis with Type 2 diabetes, decision to join a clinic-based weight loss program, and gradual incorporation of new activities and attitudes into her life. I was struck by the thoughtfulness of her approach, honesty about her relationship to her body and health, and persistence at re-shaping her habits and thinking.
French Fries

A Touch Less Insulin for Diabetes Awareness Month

If our health care providers won’t direct us to restrict our carbohydrate intake and minimize our reliance on insulin, we can do it on our own. You don’t have to go on an extreme diet to reduce carbohydrates. If you’re not comfortable with the ketogenic route, there’s always the option of avoiding bagels. Or having a piece of dark chocolate instead of a Twix bar.