Category: Eating

The Pros and Cons of Monk Fruit Sweetener

The Pros and Cons of Monk Fruit Sweetener

Gaining popularity in recent years for its use as a no-calorie sweetener, monk fruit is a small, green melon-looking gourd. This little lemon-sized…
Should People with Diabetes Eat Turmeric?

Should People with Diabetes Eat Turmeric?

Turmeric is the spice that’s yellow but not too mellow. A favorite of foodies, turmeric is gaining attention for its purported health benefits,…
Our Top 11 Low Carb Hacks

11 Essential Low Carb Hacks Worth Trying

Until I was diagnosed with diabetes, I ate carbohydrates all day, every day. I was a vegetarian, a pizza/pasta/bagel/cereal lover, and I had a very…