Category: Eating

Are Vegetable and Seed Oils Bad for You?

Are Vegetable and Seed Oils Bad for You?

Fats are good for you: if you pay any attention to the keto and low-carb dieting world, you’ll know that this is a pretty reliable rule of thumb. Keto…
Fight Coronavirus by Eating Healthy

Fight Coronavirus by Eating Healthy

Nutrition is the biggest coronavirus (COVID-19) risk factor that nobody is talking about. It has been widely understood for months now that cardiovascular…
What is nutrient density?

The Most Nutrient-Dense Low Carb Foods

If you read ASweetLife often, you know that we believe a low-carbohydrate or ketogenic diet is key to managing both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Keeping…
Pork Rind Nachos, All the Fixins, 1800 Calories - OMAD Diet

I Tried the OMAD Diet, and I Loved It

What is OMAD? One Meal a Day (OMAD). That’s right, I eat once a day. One large meal, and then no food for the next 23 hours. Why would someone do such a…