Category: Sports and Fitness


Check Blood Glucose Levels After Exercise

Not everyone realizes that Intense exercise can cause blood glucose levels to drop not only during and shortly after the activity, but even hours later. In fact, according to the American Diabetes Association, depending on the intensity and duration of your activity, you can burn glucose for up to 24 hours after exercise.
Boston Marathon Logo

The Boston Marathon Tragedy

Knowing someone you love is out there watching you makes every hard step a little less painful. But that’s all under the assumption your loved one is safe. You run with the good faith that those running with you, and those watching, will be okay.
Connected in Motion

Connected in Motion: Creating Community for People with Type 1 Diabetes

To anyone who isn’t close to type 1 diabetes, it’s difficult to explain how you can be fine at one moment and in the next one, feel your consciousness slipping away. It would have made a huge difference to me when I was newly diagnosed have known other type 1’s to talk to after my scary experience. During that time I did talk to my family and endocrinologist about life with diabetes, but having friends living with similar highs and lows would have offered a different type of support.
Blair Ryan - IronMan - Bike

Ironman Arizona with Type 1 Diabetes: An Interview with Blair Ryan

I raced Ironman Arizona in November, 2012. I took a very simple approach to my training and simply swam, rode, and ran whenever I could fit it in. I can’t tell you how many miles or yards I completed leading up to the race because I never logged it. The longest run I did leading up to the race was 13 miles, and I’d never run more than 15 in my life. This was not how I planned to train at the time I registered for the race.

Generation UCAN: A Breakthrough in Carbohydrate Technology

Kaufman says beyond the energy/sports drink market, Generation UCAN is examining applications for their product in the areas of fitness, weight management, and diabetes. Their forays into the diabetes market include independent studies on diabetes prevention through weight management and a clinical examination into the precise extent that Generation UCAN might curb overnight hypoglycemia episodes.
Omnipod Tested

Omnipod Put to the Test

I have been extremely happy with the Omnipod and require less insulin than I used to because I never detach. I feel that my work outs are better now and I am more comfortable in my daily routine. In April of this year, I decided sign up for run my first “Mudder” race called the Rugged Maniac. The Rugged Maniac is a 5K mud run full of military-style obstacles, designed by British Special Forces.

After Your Workout Continue to Check Your BG

When Mike runs long distances, he knows to check his blood sugar frequently. He carries energy gels in his running pack and uses several of them in almost every long run. He's got the routine down to as close to perfect as you can get with diabetes. But what often takes him by surprise is the fact that many times even hours after a long run his blood sugar will continue to drop.

Walk Off Your Easter Dinner

Many of us eat more than we'd like at holiday dinners. Sometimes you just need to let go and enjoy. Last night at our Passover seder, for example, I took seconds and thirds on the baby artichokes. (They were, delicious, Mike!). After the meal I felt way too full. So Mike and I took Jane Kokernak's advice and went for a post dinner walk to gently work off some of the food.

Exercise at Home

For people with diabetes, exercise is generally a great thing. That's one of the reasons I always tell myself to exercise more. In fact, I pledge to do it every year. You could say it's my traditional new year's resolution. I'm hoping this year I actually follow through.