Category: Books

Gary Taubes Interview

Gary Taubes’ Case Against Sugar

The science journalist Gary Taubes starts his book The Case Against Sugar with the following argument: we live in a society where two conditions…
Thriving With Diabetes

Book Review: Thriving with Diabetes

Thriving With Diabetes, by Dr. Paul Rosman, an osteopath who specializes in endocrinology, and David Edelman, CEO of Diabetes Daily, guides the reader through the basics of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and delves into all the modern and relevant education and advice a person person with diabetes needs to not only to live with diabetes, but to thrive.
3D Eat Out Eat Well home

A Diabetes Guide to Eating in Restaurants

10 Skills and Strategies for Healthier Restaurant Eating targets common behaviors we all have and suggests ways we can set ourselves up for success when we do eat out.
Vitamania - Book Cover

Are Vitamins Good for Us?

Catherine Price’s Vitamania confronts us health-conscious readers with one of our most deeply embedded cultural beliefs: that vitamins are good for us. We all know, or think we know, that vitamins are central to a healthy diet. We look for them in foods, both natural and processed, and we supplement with pills and powders. An apple a day keeps the doctor away – but how? And if one apple is good, are more apples better?
Vitamania - Book Cover

50 Shades of Vitamins

My new book, VITAMANIA: Our Obsessive Quest for Nutritional Perfection is being published today by Penguin Press. It’s about the history of vitamins and how they’ve influenced the way we think about nutrition.
And Here We Are at the Table

And Here We Are at The Table, A Grain-Free Cookbook

This grain-free cookbook contains the same recipes Ariana cooks for herself and her family, with a focus on whole high quality ingredients. With food allergies and autoimmune disease in her family, she has found going grain-free has been a great solution for all members’ health issues.
Coconut Flour Cookbook

New Ingredient, Familiar Foods: The Healthy Coconut Flour Cookbook (Review)

Other recipes I am eager to try are Scallion Pancakes with Soy Ginger Sauce, Cake Brownies, Garlic-Cauliflower Breadsticks, and Matzo Ball Soup. The pictures and Kerwien’s commentary entice. For these and all the recipes, she suggests additions (frosting for the brownies!), side dishes, and substitutions.
Diabetes and Heart Healthy Cookbook 2nd ed

Diabetes Cookbook Review: the Diabetes & Heart Healthy Cookbook, 2nd Edition

Somehow, the hardworking souls who put together the Diabetes & Heart Healthy Cookbook made it all work. The book is a joint effort from the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association, so while I was eager to try out some of the recipes, I was also slightly wary of what I’d find inside. Would the recipes call for abominations like sugar-free jelly or spray margarine? How much kale would be involved?