Category: Politics & Business


Why We Don’t Need A Soda Ban

Convincing the public to drink less soda has already proven effective. Consumption of soda has declined precipitously over the last nine years. It’s no wonder the beverage industry fought the New York City soda ban so vigorously.
NYT - Public Editor

How the New York Times Could – And Should – Use Engaged Patients to Revolutionize Medical Reporting

The New York Times is one of the most respected and trusted papers in the country. It has the ability to affect policy and guide public conversation – and, in the case of healthcare issues, to influence both treatment decisions by doctors, and coverage decisions by private and public insurers. As a result, the Times has a moral responsibility to get every detail right. And if it doesn’t get things right, it needs to correct its mistakes.
Stop Competitive Bidding for Insulin Pumps

Stop Competitive Bidding for Insulin Pumps

We in the diabetes community need to speak out to argue that a. insulin pumps should be removed from competitive bidding and b. that if they remain in the competitive bidding program, CMS must use a different process to determine reimbursement rates, so that cost-saving does not stifle innovation.
Philippines - Home

Diabetes Supplies Urgently Needed for Philippines

It’s difficult to think about diabetes when people are also trying to survive without access to food, water and shelter, but in the days ahead after much needed essential aid is deployed and ground crews are able to reach survivors, managing acute and chronic illness will become a priority.
T1D Innoovations logo

JDRF Invests $5 Million in T1D Innovations, New Diabetes Start-Up

JDRF and PureTech, a technology development company, have announced the launch of T1D Innovations, a novel venture-creating entity designed to accelerate the development of innovative Type 1 diabetes therapies as part of PureTech’s broader “Valley of Life” initiative; an effort designed to commercialize breakthroughs in areas of great unmet medical need by bringing together interested companies, disease foundations, and investors.
Obamacare and Diabetes: Will the Affordable Care Act Live Up to Its Promises?

Obamacare and Diabetes: Will the Affordable Care Act Live Up to Its Promises?

Perhaps you are one of the millions of Americans currently wondering what is going to happen on October 1st, the day when the Health Insurance Marketplace of the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) opens for business. This is a particularly important question for people with diabetes because at the moment, the fact that we have a pre-existing condition leaves us with very few – if any -- options for getting health insurance without an obliging employer or spouse (or other access to a group plan).
NYC Soda Ban

Why You Should Support The NYC Soda Ban

The idea behind the NYC soda ban is to restrict access to large sodas because they are widely seen as contributing to obesity and the prevalence of diabetes. Sodas are something of a double whammy: sugary drinks are thought to contribute directly to the development of Type 2 diabetes by themselves, and they also contribute to obesity, which in turn, contributes to Type 2 diabetes.
Boston Marathon Logo

The Boston Marathon Tragedy

Knowing someone you love is out there watching you makes every hard step a little less painful. But that’s all under the assumption your loved one is safe. You run with the good faith that those running with you, and those watching, will be okay.