Category: Diabetes Complications

We Are Diabetes -

Talk About Diabulimia, But Don’t Teach It

Nearly 20 years ago, a teenage girl with type 1 diabetes read an article in a well-established diabetes publication about “diabulimia.” More specifically, she read the sidebar of the article that essentially taught her how to skip her insulin injections for the sake of weight loss. Despite reading the sentence explaining just how severely dangerous this behavior was, the girl absorbed only the part about losing weight.
The Danger of Treating Diabetes with Alternative Medicine - Rachel Zinman

The Danger of Treating Diabetes with Alternative Medicine

Diet, exercise, and herbs couldn’t cure my diabetes. I was eager to know if he did know what would cure me. The doctor's take on my health was that I was overly sensitive due to environmental factors. Electromagnetic frequencies were affecting my blood sugar levels and the heavy amounts of supplements I was taking were damaging my liver.
Retinal Screening Technologies - Getting the right eye care

Are You Getting the Right Care for Your Diabetic Eyes?

Too many of our eye exams don’t include dilation and blood pressure checks and advanced technology like OCT and FAF. When I asked my own retinal specialist to he chooses not to check blood pressure at my appointments, he explained that he considered blood pressure checks to be the jurisdiction of a patient’s general practitioner, but in the next breath told me that he is the only caregiver that a number of his patients with diabetes see for their diabetes.
Repeated Hypoglycemia is Not Directly Linked to Brain Damage

Repeated Hypoglycemia is Not Directly Linked to Brain Damage

Jacobson was involved in the most comprehensive long-term study of whether hypoglycemia adversely impacts brain function. As part of a team Jacobson studied the effects of improved blood sugar control on type 1 diabetic patients who were participants in The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial—or DCCT.

FDA Approves Janssen’s NUCYNTA ER for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Pain

The U.S. FDA has approved the supplemental New Drug Application (sNDA), submitted by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, for NUCYNTA ER (tapentadol) extended-release tablets. NUCYNTA ER is an oral analgesic taken twice daily, for the management of neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in adults when a continuous, around-the-clock opioid analgesic is needed for an extended period of time.