Category: Diabetes Management

When To Worry About Ketones?

When To Worry About Ketones

“Your blood sugar is over 250. We’ll have to test for ketones, just to make sure you’re not spilling any.” The nurse stuck a label featuring my name…
What Type of Diabetes Do I Have?

What Type of Diabetes Do I Have?

In all my endless research about Type 2 diabetes, I never came across the phrase LADA or latent autoimmune diabetes in adults. LADA is similar to Type 1 in that the pancreas is losing its ability to produce insulin, and overtime will stop altogether, but it's more gradual.
From Shots to Tandem t:slim Pump

From Shots to Tandem t:slim Pump

I made the decision to go on the Tandem t:slim pump. The t:slim G4 integrates Dexcom's G4 Platinum continuous glucose monitor right onto the home screen. And I really liked the idea of having my CGM data and insulin pump as an all in one device.