Tag: Hypoglycemia

Low Blood Sugar

Low Blood Sugar: Harder on Those We Love

As a diabetic I know that low blood sugar is difficult to deal with. But, for the people close to me, for the people who love me, it’s harder. My cousin…
Hypoglycemia - BG 35

Hypoglycemia: Living On The Edge With Diabetes

Hypoglycemia is dangerous. It can actually be deadly. But somehow when I have a real episode of hypoglycemia, I mean a truly low low, the kind that…
Feeling a Little Low

Feeling a Little Low…

I’ve been moved into my new apartment at school for about a week now. As I write this, I’m in my nice, big room furnished with a desk, wardrobe, bureau,…

Hypoglycemic Rage

I don’t always feel my blood sugar dropping. I don’t know if I’m starting to develop hypoglycemic unawareness or maybe it has to do with the speed…
Third Floor - Stairs

The “No’s” of Hypoglycemia

I woke up at 3:00 a.m. to the rustle of the plastic bag that Mike was trying to open.  “Are you okay?” I asked. “Yes,” Mike said.  “My blood sugar is 44. …
Sometimes, my job can be fun.

Hypoglycemia: Coming to a Theater Near You!

It was a dark and stormy night. There were several newly hired employees behind the stand who weren’t prepared for what was about to happen. Star…
How to Deal with Hypoglycemia Anxiety

How to Deal with Hypoglycemia Anxiety

We are balancing the need to maintain good blood glucose control with the fear of hypoglycemia. This fear is well founded. Hypoglycemia is not just unpleasant and embarrassing- it can be fatal.

Sugar Fingers

Last night I went to bed at around 10 p.m. I was tired and needed to get to sleep early since I had a 20 mile run ahead of me in the morning, which I planned…