Tag: Valentine’s Day

Love in the Time of Diabetes

Even though Valentine’s Day usually focuses on matters of the heart, today it’s all about the pancreas.  Living with diabetes doesn’t stop us from…

Low Carb Brownie Batter Truffles

The big day of love quickly approaches. Flowers, chocolates, and hearts are everywhere. While the flowers and the hearts are naturally low carb,…
Low Carb Valenti

Low Carb Valentine’s Day Treats

Everybody’s Valentine’s Day is a little different… sometimes people are in the mood for a romantic steak dinner, while some just want to celebrate…
Valentine's Desserts

21 Low Carb Valentine’s Dessert Recipes

Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day or do you write it off as the ultimate Hallmark holiday? Even if you choose to ignore Cupid and his cronies, the approach of February 14th is a great excuse to eat more chocolate. And it doesn’t have to be unhealthy, glucose-spiking indulgence either. You are sure to fall in love with these 21 great low carb Valentine dessert recipes.

5 Low Carb Chocolate Valentine’s Day Desserts

We rarely eat anything sweet, and we don't usually publish recipes with sweeteners of any sort. But sometimes you have to make exceptions. Valentine's Day is one of those times. If you're going to celebrate Valentine's Day with chocolate, there are ways to do it that shouldn't make your blood sugar soar.
Thoughts on Love

Thoughts on Love

There is a billboard I drive by on my way to teach English Comp. that says, “What Have Your Done For Your Marriage Today?”...