Search Results for: catherine price

One-in-Twenty of A Different Kind: Be a Diabetes Advocate

...Or 1 in 5000. It’s too many. Enough is enough.” Is there anyone who disagrees with that? For a comprehensive summary of low glucose suspend pumps, the artificial pancreas, and the FDA, read Catherine Price’s post, A Plea to the FDA. Click here to sign JDRF’s Artificial Pancreas Petition.  ...

A Plea to the FDA

As Jess pointed out in a recent, really touching post about JDRF’s 1-in-20 campaign, the FDA is in the process of putting together a guidance document for the development of a would-be artificial pancreas system — a combo insulin pump/CGM that would take much of the thought and stress out...

TrialNet Teams Up With Team Type 1

You may have read on ASweetLife last week about how ten members of the Team Type 1-SANOFI running team are currently running across the country (yes, the United States) to raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes. They started last week and are due to finish on World Diabetes Day, November...

Type 1 in the New York Times — News You Already Know

First, a confession: I am writing this post as my blood sugar, having dipped down to 52 this morning during physical therapy, is shooting up with a double arrow on my CGM, 174 mg/dl and climbing. (And what did I eat for breakfast? An apple with peanut butter. As I...

Last Day to Sign the Artificial Pancreas Petition from JDRF

As you may know, JDRF has been circulating a petition to ask the FDA to speed the development/approval of an artificial pancreas. (More specifically, the FDA is expected to issue guidelines related to diabetes technologies, and JDRF wants those guidelines to make the approval process as fast and streamlined as...

Post-Surgery: Diabetic With One Functional Arm

Thanks for the great feedback on my last post about how to cope with diabtetes during surgery. I’m glad it was useful — I, too, hadn’t realized just how much I’d need to do ahead of time. But now I’m three weeks out, and thought it might be a good...

Diabetes and Surgery

Here’s a question I’ve always wondered about: what are people with diabetes supposed to do if they have to have surgery? Not only does the trauma of having someone cut into your body seem like it would send your blood sugar sky high, but what are you actually supposed to...

Diabetes Essentials, part 2

...– It’s an Endurance Sport. Catherine Price I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with my continuous glucose monitoring system (currently the DexCom SevenPlus). Putting aside its design flaws, it is a huge relief to be able to go to bed at night knowing that if I drop too...

No Longer Waiting

...have this summer head cold beat. I will wait until my blood sugars stop swinging from 389 to 42. But, what good does waiting do?   As I pondered this question, I chose to revisit an article by Catherine Price titled, “Thinking About Diabetes With Every Bite”. It was through...

Summer Reading: Catherine Price Recommends…

Are you looking for a good book to take along on your vacation this summer? All month long ASweetLife’s bloggers and contributors will be sharing some of their favorites. My favorite diabetes book is Pumping Insulin but it’s not exactly the sort of paperback you’d want to bring to the...