Search Results for: "Catherine price"

Diabetes Diagnosis Stories

The Holiday Season’s Must-Read: Diabetes Diagnosis Stories

...Strength: Diabetes Diagnosis Stories Type 1   It’s Always Something by Alex O’Meara A Kid, a Cabin, and a Cure: Owning Diabetes by Karmel Allison Sweet Siphon by Catherine Price Getting a Grip on Diabetes by Sysy Morales The Danger Within by Michael Aviad Surprised by Strength: Diabetes Diagnosis Stories...

Happy Anniversary: Our Most Popular Diabetes Blog Posts of the Year

...child). The Vogue piece (not online — you’ll have to buy the print issue) seems self-serving to me, as does Weiss’s book contract. But helping her medically overweight child lose weight? For that, I applaud her…Read More Diabetes and the New York Soda Ban by Catherine Price I just stumbled...

TNF, BCG, and You and Me: An In-Depth Look at the Faustman Lab Research

...trial with promise for a cure for long-term diabetics. Catherine Price did a wonderful job of summarizing the findings and assessing the relevance to diabetics; what follows here is an in-depth look at the paper from the Faustman lab. TL;DR: There are many studies over many years that support Faustman’s...

Trying The Medtronic Mio Infusion Set

This summer I met Catherine Price for the first time. I had been looking forward to this meeting for a long time and when we met and hung out I felt as if I have known her for ages. Catherine, Jess, and I met at a café’ in Philly. Catherine...

Surrendering to Unfolding

...amuck in my head I started the day with pranayama or yogic breathing exercises. As I made my way through the four purifications sequence, I imagined I was clearing room for creative thoughts and ideas to flourish with ease. The same way Catherine Price wrote in a blog post about...

Know Which Way You’re Going

Exercising with diabetes is complicated and although it’s generally a good thing, it can make diabetes management more difficult (Catherine Price attests to this). ASweetLife’s resident marathoner, Michael Aviad, found a great tip on that can help prevent exercise-related diabetes problems: test twice. ( Hypoactive, an Australian organization, aims...

Dangerously Low computer and tried to work. I was getting ready to publish Catherine Price’s essay, but I kept falling asleep. My eyes just closed. I fell forward and hit my head on the computer screen. I guess I passed out for a few minutes. When I woke up there was...

Don’t Bolus For Blood: Catherine Price’s Unusual Feast

One afternoon in Ulaan Baatur, Otgoo invited my husband and me to a traditional Mongolian feast. Otgoo, a friend of our host family, had given us tours of little known temples; she’d helped us bargain for belt buckles in Naran Tuul, an enormous outdoor market. Young and fashionable, she’d even...

Little Things We’re Grateful For

...overall we’re doing okay. We’re not complaining. Inspired by Catherine Price’s wish that we all live with ease, we’ve decided to share some of the small things that make living with diabetes just a tiny bit easier. Nobody asked us to write about these products! If you can think of...

One-in-Twenty of A Different Kind: Be a Diabetes Advocate

...Or 1 in 5000. It’s too many. Enough is enough.” Is there anyone who disagrees with that? For a comprehensive summary of low glucose suspend pumps, the artificial pancreas, and the FDA, read Catherine Price’s post, A Plea to the FDA. Click here to sign JDRF’s Artificial Pancreas Petition.  ...