The FDA has (finally) approved the MiniMed 530G with the Enlite sensor, Medtronic’s first-generation artificial pancreas system…
Tag: CGM
Yesterday I had the chance to visit the Philadelphia headquarters of Echo Therapeutics, a small company working to develop a new non-invasive -- that is, totally needle-free -- continuous glucose monitoring system called the Symphony CGM.
I decided to take matters into my own hands and take advantage of the misguided system. I prepared myself to visit the ER with a blood glucose level under 50 mg/dL. In other words, I planned an insulin overdose.
People ask me sometimes how I use my continuous glucose monitor (CGM), pump, and meter all together. I try to explain that it’s a fine titration–…
My initials are JPA, not CGM. Right? But yet, more often than not, I feel like a continuous glucose monitor. Like anyone who lives with or has a…
In June 2012, I was lucky enough to receive a Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitor from my healthcare provider. It took a while for me to get acquainted…
Two weeks into Sacha’s use of the Dexcom continuous glucose monitor, and the excitement is over. Yes, the CGM is great. No, it didn’t…
I am able to wear the CGM places other than my abdomen, which I was terrified to even try with the Minimed. Thus far, I have worn the Dexcom on my lower back (worked all right, but sub-optimally; it was prone to getting knocked and jostled off) and my arm (works capitally). This ability to move the sensor around opens up my abdomen, which was getting bruised and scarred to the point of not being usable.
So, last week I came home to an exciting delivery from FedEx: my brand new Dexcom G4 Platinum system! Unfortunately, my excitement was tempered…
Like many of you, I woke up Monday morning to the news that the FDA had approved Dexcom’s newest generation continuous glucose monitoring…