Search Results for: catherine price

The Petraeus Scandal: What Diabetes Has Taught Me

Like many Americans, I’ve spent the week both fascinated and horrified by the scandal surrounding David Petraeus and his biographer, Paula Broadwell. Why? I want to ask. Why would two driven, accomplished people, whose successes in life have no doubt in large part relied on their willpower, self-control and ability...
Dexcom G4 v. Dexcom 7

Dexcom G4 Platinum – First Impressions

So, last week I came home to an exciting delivery from FedEx: my brand new Dexcom G4 Platinum system! Unfortunately, my excitement was tempered by the fact that the system did not come with any sensors; those were shipped separately and got stuck somewhere in Indianapolis for a week. I...

Nutrition Labels: What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You

I’ve recently done a bunch of research into nutrition labels — you know, the “Nutrition Facts” panel that appears on the back of most packaged foods. I’m doing it for the book I’m writing about vitamins, but my obsessive dive into the details of FDA labeling regulations revealed certain facts...

Dexcom G4 PLATINUM CGM: Conference Call for the DOC

Like many of you, I woke up Monday morning to the news that the FDA had approved Dexcom’s newest generation continuous glucose monitoring system, the Dexcom G4 PLATINUM system. For me, it was a moment of mixed emotion: jubilation at finally being able to get my hands on this new...

Happy Anniversary: Our Most Popular Diabetes Blog Posts of the Year

...child). The Vogue piece (not online — you’ll have to buy the print issue) seems self-serving to me, as does Weiss’s book contract. But helping her medically overweight child lose weight? For that, I applaud her…Read More Diabetes and the New York Soda Ban by Catherine Price I just stumbled...

Giving to Diabetes Charities: Where Does the Money Go?

A couple of weeks ago, Bloomberg Magazine ran an article about some truly sketchy fundraising efforts being supported by some of America’s major charities, including the American Diabetes Association. I highly recommend reading the whole piece, which is simultaneously fascinating and disturbing — but here’s the gist: charities such as...

Is Alzheimer’s Type 3 Diabetes?

New York Times columnist Mark Bittman has added a touch of controversy to the morning with his article, “Is Alzheimer’s Type 3 Diabetes?” A friend of mine forwarded it to me at the precise moment when I was doing yet another round of research on LADA — short for “latent...

Morning Exercise and Type 1 Diabetes, Part Deux

A couple months ago I wrote a post called “Morning Exercise and Type 1 Diabetes” (hello, SEO) in which I expressed my frustration at the different ways my blood sugar reacts to exercise throughout the day, and to different types of movement. In short: exercise hard in the evening, my...

Diabetes and the New York Soda Ban

I just stumbled across this video editorial in the New York Times about Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed ban on sugary sodas bigger than 16 ounces. It brought to mind the heated debate that followed Jessica’s post about the “diabetes ice cream social,” which encouraged diabetics around the world to celebrate their...

TNF, BCG, and You and Me: An In-Depth Look at the Faustman Lab Research

...trial with promise for a cure for long-term diabetics. Catherine Price did a wonderful job of summarizing the findings and assessing the relevance to diabetics; what follows here is an in-depth look at the paper from the Faustman lab. TL;DR: There are many studies over many years that support Faustman’s...