Tag: Diabetes Diagnosis

A Dangerous Diabetes Misdiagnosis

In early July 2011, I was a frail 114 pounds. I’m 5’5″ tall, and was all skin and bones. My sternum protruded, and my wrists appeared…
Now My Husband And I Both Have Diabetes

Now My Husband And I Both Have Diabetes

I can deal with my own diabetes. This is my life. But my husband? He is the strong one, the one with no health issues who is tough and barely ever gets a cold.
I Sort of Have Type 1 Diabetes

I Sort of Have Type 1 Diabetes

Although I was diagnosed three years ago, and Jack three months ago, neither of us has taken a speck of insulin. Having Type 1 diabetes but not needing to take insulin is weird. It is nothing to complain about, but it doesn’t make sense in most doctors’ offices, or spark joy among other people with diabetes.
The JDRF Gala

A Heartbreaking Diabetes Coincidence that Made a Friendship Stronger

I called my friend Anne from the ER. “Lauren’s in the hospital,” I said. “She was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. And I’m wicked scared.” Anne is my friend and neighbor. We met pushing baby carriages down the street. While I’m a loud (sometimes overbearing) extrovert, Anne is calm and reserved. I was thrilled she wanted to be friends with me.