Tag: Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia Anxiety

How to Deal with Hypoglycemia Anxiety

We are balancing the need to maintain good blood glucose control with the fear of hypoglycemia. This fear is well founded. Hypoglycemia is not just unpleasant and embarrassing- it can be fatal.

Diabetes’ Unspoken Threat, Hypoglycemia

The morning I began this post about the recent American Association of Diabetes Educators’ (AADE) survey that reveals many people with…

Exams and Unexpected Hypos

If someone asked me what my least favorite part of college was, I would say it’s the exams. I understand they’re a necessary evil to evaluate my knowledge,…
Are People With Diabetes Prone to Violence?

Are People With Diabetes Prone to Violence?

Hallucinations and aggressive violence are not part of everyone’s reaction to a dangerously low blood sugar. I, for example, tend to fall mute and still, paralyzed by confusion. Anyone who has experienced severe hypoglycemia knows the powerful effects of the condition. But is severe hypoglycemia the only cause of aggressive behavior related to diabetes?

Misadventures of a Hypoglycemic Mom

Maya, my 16 month old daughter, was roaming around my parents’ backyard last weekend. She picked up a leaf and studied it, which was cute, until she…
Repeated Hypoglycemia is Not Directly Linked to Brain Damage

Repeated Hypoglycemia is Not Directly Linked to Brain Damage

Jacobson was involved in the most comprehensive long-term study of whether hypoglycemia adversely impacts brain function. As part of a team Jacobson studied the effects of improved blood sugar control on type 1 diabetic patients who were participants in The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial—or DCCT.