Tag: Insulin Resistance


Joslin Researchers Discover New Link Between Obesity and Insulin Resistance

Obesity is the main culprit in the worldwide avalanche of type 2 diabetes. But how excess weight drives insulin resistance, the condition that may lead to the disease, is only partly understood. Scientists at Joslin Diabetes Center now have uncovered a new way in which obesity wreaks its havoc, by altering the production of proteins that affect how other proteins are spliced together. Their finding, published in Cell Metabolism, may point toward novel targets for diabetes drugs...

Cashew Seed Extract Shown To Stimulate Blood Sugar Absorption

According to a new study from the University of Montreal (Canada) and the Université de Yaoundé (Cameroun) cashew seed extract shows promise as an effective anti-diabetic, EurekAlet reports. Published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, the investigation analyzed the reputed health...

Insulin Resistance Found in Healthy People After One Sleepless Night

The findings of a new study led by Esther Donga, MD of the Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands show a short night of sleep has more profound effects on metabolic regulation than previously appreciated. ScienceDaily reports previous studies have found that reductions in sleep duration over multiple nights result...

Exercise and beta cell function

Insulin resistance, the hallmark of prediabetes, is compensated for by an increase in insulin output. Since the pancreas will eventually work…

Pancreatic Karoshi

Japan is one of the few countries that actually publishes the number of people who die suddenly on the job. Their name for it is karoshi: death by overwork.…

Insulin Resistance Starts In The Mitochondria

Often diabetes is associated with the loss of insulin, however, long before the onset of type 2 diabetes the person at risk is suffering from a condition…

Insulin Resistance

We think of diabetes as a lack of insulin.  The strange thing, however, about the pre-diabetic state is that it is almost always associated with…