Tag: Paula Deen

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10 Best Diabetes Stories of 2012

It wasn't easy, but our editors have selected ASweetLife's 10 best diabetes stories of 2012. From research and technology to cooking and personal triumph, 2012 had it all. Many thanks to our readers for your loyalty and support. We wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2013, and may it bring in the best diabetes stories, hopefully ones that hint a diabetes cure is near.

Laying Blame: Why Do People Get Diabetes?

People get diabetes because they’re fat. They get diabetes because they don’t exercise. They get it because they’re lazy and they lack discipline in controlling their appetites. They get diabetes because they’re out of shape slobs. People get diabetes because they deserve it....

Is Paula Deen For Real?

Hi Y’all, I’m from Texas, so that was genuine.  I’m not making fun of Paula Deen.  In fact, unlike practically everyone else…