Tag: Soda

How to Wean Yourself Off Diet Soda

How to Wean Yourself Off Diet Soda

Last month, the journal Nature published a study that showed consuming non-caloric artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose, is associated with glucose intolerance – a condition leading to higher-than-normal blood glucose levels.

Why We Don’t Need A Soda Ban

Convincing the public to drink less soda has already proven effective. Consumption of soda has declined precipitously over the last nine years. It’s no wonder the beverage industry fought the New York City soda ban so vigorously.
It's not me-- it's my cola!

How to Tell if That Soda is Really Diet

In my last post, I talked about an occurrence common for diabetics: I was served a soda, and I couldn’t tell if it was really diet, as the bartender…
NYC Soda Ban

Why You Should Support The NYC Soda Ban

The idea behind the NYC soda ban is to restrict access to large sodas because they are widely seen as contributing to obesity and the prevalence of diabetes. Sodas are something of a double whammy: sugary drinks are thought to contribute directly to the development of Type 2 diabetes by themselves, and they also contribute to obesity, which in turn, contributes to Type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes and the New York Soda Ban

I just stumbled across this video editorial in the New York Times about Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed ban on sugary sodas bigger than 16 ounces.…

Review of: Still Even More Diet Sodas

Close your eyes. Now take a sip of root beer. Now forget what you’ve just drunk, and ask yourself: “What does this actually taste like?” …Answer: toothpaste! …Right?...

Soda Tax: I object

I’m not a Coke or Pepsi advocate. I think they’re selling crap, and I think they know they’re selling crap. But why are we picking on them?

Soda Wars: Regular vs. Diet

I love the fact that Coke-Cola has managed to tie itself into the concept of “America,” and waving flags, and the 4th of July, and… polar bears. And such...