Tag: type 1 diabetes

Looking Forward

There’s only one way to say it, folks:  I’m nervous.  I am now one week away from the Black Diamond sprint triathlon and I’m nervous.  I’m very excited,…

You mean I’ll have this forever?

Every person I have met who has diabetes has a diagnosis story.  And every person I have met who has diabetes has vivid memories of this incident. …


During the three days I spent in Washington, D.C., I had a small taste of the challenges I’ll have to deal with when I’m much farther away from home--as much of a taste as it’s possible to have in a nice hotel with a very helpful staff.

“Are You Sure You’re Allowed to Eat That?” Misconceptions About Diabetes

Ultimately, no one should assume that any type of diabetic deserves the blame for their disease. But this fact isn’t widely understood by our society. The only way to counteract the stigmatization of diabetics is not to hide the fact that you have diabetes, but instead to openly correct misconceptions whenever you encounter them.

Symptoms of Diabetes – Type 1 and LADA

My husband, Mike,  and I both have type 1 diabetes – sort of.  The full story is that Mike has type 1 diabetes, and I have LADA.  Are you confused,…