Search Results for: catherine price

ADA Scientific Sessions – Live Update – Day 2

I’m at the 2012 ADA Scientific Sessions and am keeping a live blog about my experiences (here’s a link to my day 1 coverage of the ADA scientific sessions). I’m also tweeting about from at catherine_price, at hashtag #ADA2012. Included in this round: an interview with John Mastrototaro, Vice President...

ADA Scientific Sessions 2012 – Live Updates – Day 1

Today marks the start of the 2012 American Diabetes Association (ADA) Scientific Sessions, being held this year in Philadelphia. I’ll be heading over there later today to check out what’s going on and live-blogging my experience (and sending Twitter updates via catherine_price, hashtag #ADA2012). 5:32 p.m. Checking out of CGM...

An Open Letter to Whole Foods Frozen Pizza

...asleep once more, only to be roused two hours later by it beeping again, this time saying I was high. How high, you ask? What had you, despite my four-unit bolus, despite a day’s worth of yard work, done to me? 263. For five hours. You fucking bastard. Sincerely, Catherine...

Diabetes and an Irregular Schedule: What’s a Girl to Do?

Diabetes is a disease that thrives on routine: the more consistent your schedule is, the easier it will be to manage your blood sugar. Okay, so “thrives” is a strong verb to use here, but you know what I mean — if you eat, exercise and go to bed at...

A Whole LADA Confusion

I attended the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists’ annual meeting yesterday, the same folks who recommend that people with diabetes maintain a HbA1c of less than 6.5%. Held in the Pennsylvania Convention Center in downtown Philadelphia, it is an extravaganza of all things endocrinological — especially diabetes. I got there...

Morning Exercise and Type 1 Diabetes

When you’ve got Type 1 diabetes, figuring out when and how to exercise takes a lot more effort than simply carving out time from a busy day. You need to ask yourself how long it’ll have been since you’ve eaten, or how long it will be before your next meal....

Diabetes Blog Week: What I’d Tell The World

As Jess points out, today’s topic for Diabetes Blog Week is: “What is one thing you would tell someone who doesn’t have diabetes about living with diabetes?” I’ve written before about the impact that diabetes has had on the way I think about food — and that’s a huge aspect...

Has Diabetes Made Me a Control Freak?

Okay, so let me clarify something: I’m a perfectionist with Type 1 diabetes. Of course I’m a control freak. But I’ve started to wonder whether my hypervigilance with diabetes care may have begun to bleed, if you will, into other areas of my life as well. This occurred to me...

Diabetes, Depression and Dementia

How’s that for a depressing subject line? It’s the topic of a mini-article I just had published in this weekend’s issue of Parade magazine. I’ll paste the text below, but the bottom line is that, in addition to putting you at increased risk of depression, diabetes (of both types) might...

The World’s Longest-Lived Insulin-Dependent Diabetic

Last week marked the death of a person most of us have never heard of: a Canadian woman named Sheila Thorn. While she may not have been a household name, Ms. Thorn will be appreciated by anyone living with Type 1: she was one of the very first people to...