Search Results for: catherine+price

The Trials of Trials

I’m writing this post with an IV in my arm and a blood glucose that’s 260 mg/dl and rising fast. I’m getting to the point in a high blood sugar where my mind feels cloudy and my mood is irritable and I wonder what the hell I’m doing to myself....

Surrendering to Unfolding

...amuck in my head I started the day with pranayama or yogic breathing exercises. As I made my way through the four purifications sequence, I imagined I was clearing room for creative thoughts and ideas to flourish with ease. The same way Catherine Price wrote in a blog post about...

My Revel-ations

So, I finally got a new insulin pump, the Minimed Paradigm 523, otherwise known as the Revel. I didn’t want to get it. I’ve been hoping that DexCom and Animas might finally get the FDA approval necessary to come out with an integrated system — you know, one where your...

Effortless Diabetes Logging: A Review of Glooko

Any diabetic with a smartphone has suffered what I call an “Apple moment.” You look at your glucometer. You look at your phone. And you think to yourself, “I can use this phone as everything from a news aggregator to an email-getter to a virtual goldfish bowl. So why can’t...

Know Which Way You’re Going

Exercising with diabetes is complicated and although it’s generally a good thing, it can make diabetes management more difficult (Catherine Price attests to this). ASweetLife’s resident marathoner, Michael Aviad, found a great tip on that can help prevent exercise-related diabetes problems: test twice. ( Hypoactive, an Australian organization, aims...

Dangerously Low computer and tried to work. I was getting ready to publish Catherine Price’s essay, but I kept falling asleep. My eyes just closed. I fell forward and hit my head on the computer screen. I guess I passed out for a few minutes. When I woke up there was...

Don’t Bolus For Blood: Catherine Price’s Unusual Feast

...of creature you might find at a petting zoo. But its frightened posture indicated that it knew this was not what its future held. “There it is!” said Otgoo, happily. Then, in a high-pitched voice, presumably of the sheep: “Peter and Catherine, I am waiting for you!” Now, I knew...

Little Things We’re Grateful For

...overall we’re doing okay. We’re not complaining. Inspired by Catherine Price’s wish that we all live with ease, we’ve decided to share some of the small things that make living with diabetes just a tiny bit easier. Nobody asked us to write about these products! If you can think of...

May You Live With Ease

As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, I spent last Saturday at a meditation workshop, part of which was devoted to the idea of “metta,” which is roughly translated as “lovingkindness.” Now, I should point out straight from the start that I hate the term “lovingkindness.” It reminds me...

A Dirty Diabetic Secret

Since it’s November 14th, I feel like I’m supposed to start this blog post by acknowledging that it’s International Diabetes Day. But since diabetes isn’t a typical holiday, I’m not sure the best way to phrase this. “Happy World Diabetes Day!” doesn’t seem quite right. “Wishing You Peace This Diabetes...