Search Results for: catherine+price

If You Think Your Kale Is Ice Cream You Should Taste It

Why is it that some days I barely think about diabetes at all, and others, it seems like the straw that threatens to break my back? I’m having a bit of the latter: I’m feeling down to begin with, and after a fun dip to 45 mg/dl earlier this morning,...

Old TB Drug Might Reverse Type 1 Diabetes?

Tell me that an old tuberculosis drug might be able to reverse Type 1 diabetes, and I’ll have the following reaction: a moment of excitement, followed by the inevitable, “Yeah, we’ll see when that actually happens.” But it’s Monday morning, my day is fresh, and I’m feeling optimistic. So I’m...

Insulin resistant? Or just slow on the uptake?

Until recently, I was convinced that I — a type 1 diabetic — was insulin resistant. There were times when I could take 4-unit boluses on no food and not see any effect on my blood sugar for an hour afterwards. Breakfasts of 20 grams of carbs would take more...

The Good Doctor — And The Difference It Makes

I’ve been thinking a lot about doctor-patient interactions and diabetes education recently (related to the project I described in a previous post) — and I recently had an experience that made me realize, yet again, the difference a good doctor can make. On the surface, this didn’t have to do...

Oh, Mio My – o

Anyone else out there sick of the Minimed Quickset infusion set? I know I am: about 75% of the time, I develop weird doughnut-shaped bubbles underneath the adhesive (conveniently concealed by the plastic) that collect insulin and interstitial fluid and prevent me from absorbing my insulin doses. This has been...

Life with diabetes — a never-ending game

I’ve been back on a continuous glucose monitoring system — the DexCom Seven Plus — for almost two weeks, and for the most part, it’s been great. Sure, I have my frustrations and complaints about the system, but I can’t deny the utility of being able to see my blood...

Welcome to the DexCom Seven Plus

First off, thank you to everyone who responded to my call for ideas for new diabetes educational tools. I’ve got some follow-up thoughts that I’ll write about soon. But first, I need to dedicate a post to the newest member of my diabetes management team — the DexCom Seven Plus...

A Call For Ideas: If You Could Design The Perfect Educational Tool for Diabetes, What Would It Look Like?

Search for diabetes educational resources online, and chances are, you’re going to end up doing a lot of reading. I’ve been continuously surprised that some of the most reputable sources of information out there — ADA, JDRF, even health insurance companies and diabetes educational centers — provide resources that are...

A Bittersweet Anniversary: 10 Years With Diabetes

February 17th, 2011 is my ten-year anniversary with diabetes. I still can’t believe it: an entire decade of finger sticks and insulin and carb counting. Ten years of constant awareness of my blood sugar, constant vigilance, constant control. If I stop to think about how much time and thought and...