Search Results for: catherine+price

The CGM tri-lemma: Abbott, Dexcom, or Minimed?

After a year and a half on Abbott’s Freestyle Navigator Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, I’m back to square one. I loved my Abbott. Sure, it had its problems — a bulky transmitter, adhesive that refused to stick, an annoying tendency to reject new sensors. But seeing my blood glucose levels...

Does Diabetes Make Life Easier?

I know that title is heretical, but I’m serious: is it possible that living with diabetes could make other areas of life easier? I’m in the process of writing an article about decision-making, and one of the books I read is Barry Schwartz’s bestseller, The Paradox of Choice. In it,...

Best Diabetes Tearjerkers, The Most Moving Blog Posts of 2010

...even brought tears to our eyes. So here you have excerpts from some of our very best. Please click on the link to read the full post. We wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year! Catherine Price: Protons And My Pancreas “When I pricked my finger, the result...

Irresponsibility? Or Spontaneity?

I just received a response to my post about dropping my insulin pump off a waterfall that made me reevaluate my own judgment of myself. A reader named April, whom I met at a conference at UCSF just several weeks after her 13-year-old son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes,...

The Stupidest Thing I Have Ever Done With My Insulin Pump

When I travel, I like to be prepared. As my husband and I got ready to depart on our seven-month trip around the world, I packed a first aid kit worthy of an EMT — everything from bandaids and thermometers to Cipro and Malarone, decongestants, allergy meds, even an Epipen...

Thanksgiving, Birthdays and Diabetes: Triple Threat!

...courage to travel for seven months even though I know that it’s affected my control — it has been so worth it. I’m grateful that I’m not defined by my disease — that when my friends think of me, they think of Catherine, and not of diabetes. I’m grateful for...

Eating on the Road

My husband and I just started our sixth month of being on the road (out of a total of seven) and I’ll admit: I’m exhausted. This no doubt is partially due to our current itinerary — our train to Hanoi arrived at 4:55 this morning — but I think the...

The Best of ASweetLife 2010

...believe might account for the unexpected number of deaths among ACCORD study patients. In this essay you will read about one patient’s story, as well as surprising research conclusions. Yacon: The Root of Sweetness: In one of our funniest pieces to date, Catherine Price, searching for something more natural than...

High Altitude Diabetes, Part II

As I noted in my previous post, I recently took my diabetes with me on a trip to Tibet. (I offered to let it stay home, but it refused.) In addition to the whole altitude sickness/swollen-brain thing, which seemed likely to occur, given that we were going to be at...

A Diabetes Meme and ASweetLife Turns One

...agree with the others… not waking up in the morning. And I’m terrified of complications. Who’s on your support team? My husband, over and over and over again. Also, my father, my brother, Mariela Glandt, and my fellow diabetes writers Karmel Allison and Catherine Price. But even with all of...