Search Results for: catherine+price

Diabetic Bling

Living with diabetes comes with plenty of accessories — needles, glucometers, test strips, etc — but let’s be honest: they’re not very stylish. Okay, fine, my Minimed Paradigm Pump comes in a radiant, aquamarine blue — but unless it falls out of my pocket, no one’s really going to notice...

Traveling with Diabetes

Right now, as I type, I have a knot in my stomach. It’s a familiar feeling, often accompanied by an inability to take deep breaths, that is my body’s way of telling me that I am very stressed out. The reason, in this particular case, is that my husband and...

Teplizumab on Word of Mouth

Great personal news: my piece in Popular Science about anti-CD3 monoclonal antibodies (currently best known as teplizumab) and Type 1 diabetes was just featured on the New Hampshire Public Radio show Word of Mouth. (You can read about the segment, and listen to the interview, here.) It’s always great to...

“InnoCentives” for Type 1 Diabetes

Do you have a great idea for Type 1 diabetes research? Check out this contest from InnoCentive, which is offering a cash prize of between $2,500 and $5,000 for the best ideas for future projects. The details: This Challenge is asking InnoCentive Solvers to formulate well-defined problems or hypotheses aimed...

Insulin Pump Recalls — How Worried Should We Be?

Here’s something I don’t like: the idea that a piece of technology I rely on to keep me alive could somehow kill me. I’m speaking not of Toyotas, but of insulin pumps — according to this piece in the Wall Street Journal, “the Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday it...

The Design of Diabetes

Yesterday I had the chance to participate in a focus group for a computer program for a CGM. I love focus groups like this — you get a glimpse of upcoming diabetes products, you have a chance to provide feedback to improve it, and at the end of the hour,...

Forbidden Breakfast

The other day I participated in an interview with Riva Greenberg about living with diabetes (more on our conversation later) and, as tends to happen when two diabetics start talking, we ended up on the subject of breakfast. “It’s my hardest meal,” I told Riva, confessing that after eating Fage...

Elliott Yamin Tweets from Chile

I’m still having difficulty accepting Twitter as a source of news, but nonetheless, I was interested by the tweets of Elliott Yamin, the Type 1 diabetic and former American Idol contestant who was in Chile during this weekend’s devastating earthquake. If you’d like to read the full text of some...

In praise of . . . Carl’s Junior?

Now there’s a headline I never thought I’d write. Before last weekend, I’d never eaten at a Carl’s Junior. I’m grossed out by the idea of industrial meat (anyone seen Food Inc.?) and, while I’m not a vegetarian, I try to primarily eat meat from animals that I think were...

Artificial Sweeteners, A to Z

I’ll admit it: I have a Splenda habit. I’ve tried Stevia, I’ve experimented with agave, but at the end of the day I always find myself back with my little yellow packets. Sucralose = my diabetic addiction. When Splenda first came out, I remember raving about it to my roommate...