Search Results for: catherine price

Diabetes Tip #421: Join a Dance Troupe

This weekend, I made an amazing discovery: if you want to control your blood sugar, you should dance. To elaborate: last week I decided that the best way to deal with the emotional mess that has been this summer, I should join a no audition dance troupe for 30+ year-old...

Want To Participate In A Trial?

Many of you may already be aware of this, but a few weeks ago, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation launched a great new site — a searchable database of ongoing research trials. Called the Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Trials Connection, it’s a one-stop shop for everything going on in the...

Mixed Meal Tolerance Test

So, I just got back from a trip home to the east coast to see my family, and decided that while I was at it, I should try to visit my old endocrinologist, Kevan Herold, who’s currently at Yale. Right after I was diagnosed I was lucky enough to be...

Losing Weight, Keeping Control

So. Ever since going on my beloved CGM in January, I’ve run into a little problem: I’ve gained weight. I’ve basically been the same weight for the past 15 years, but starting a few months ago, the scale began to creep up. I’m now hovering around 150 and I am...

Good News For Stem Cells

I just turned on my computer to work on a different project (see 101 Places Not To See Before You Die) and got an update from JDRF that I needed to share. According to this press release, NIH just released new guidelines for federally funded stem cell research that are...

Who’s Navigating?

It’s been a rough couple of days for the old diabetes. For reasons unbeknownst to me, my body has taken it upon itself to become ridiculously insulin resistant. For example: I just ate my usual breakfast of a low-fat greek yogurt with blueberries, which usually sends me to a max...

Was Blind But Now I See

Great news from the continuous glucometer front: I returned home yesterday to find a replacement for my Freestyle Navigator receiver on my doorstep. I now have a sensor on my stomach (it looks like I have a small, square tumor) but who cares: my continuous monitoring is back! I feel...

Murphy’s Law Of Diabetes

I just got back from a weekend in Yosemite, notable not just for its vistas, sheer granite walls and abundant wildlife, but for the fact that my continuous glucometer totally broke. Yup, the receiver for my Navigator — mentioned in my previous post as the “love of my life” —...

Prior Authorization

...but small prices to pay for the experience of being able to see my glucose levels at all times. I must check the thing upwards of 100 times a day — scrolling through my line graphs, adding events like insulin, meals and exercise, looking at my 3-, 7-, 14-, 21-...

If There Were A Hell For Diabetes

. . . I know where it would be. On Monday night my husband and I, depressed about a movie we’d just seen, decided to grab dinner before heading home. The only place open was Fenton’s Ice Cream parlor, an Oakland institution that is known for serving up ice cream...