Search Results for: catherine+price

Diabetes and Morning Exercise: A Possible Solution?

I have great difficulty balancing morning exercise with diabetes — a frustration I have written about previously, here and here. Whereas exercising in the afternoon or evening will typically cause my blood glucose to plummet, exercising in the morning makes it spike — making me feel horrible during the workout...
Echo Symphony

A Non-Invasive CGM Explained: Echo Therapeutics’ Symphony

...grab a share of this market. But the fact that the Symphony is completely non-invasive could make it stand out from the crowd: particularly in a germ-filled hospital setting amongst immune-compromised patients, the fewer puncture wounds you have, the better. Additionally, Echo is hoping to be able to price their...
How Does Your Diabetes Educator Make You Feel?

How Does Your Diabetes Educator Make You Feel?

Despite my love and appreciation for the medical profession as a whole, I, like many people with diabetes, do not like diabetes educators. In fact, I don’t just not like them; I feel openly hostile toward them. Nearly every interaction I’ve had with a certified diabetes educator (CDE) has left...

High Blood Sugar After Meals And What To Do About It

I will admit to having a bit of a diabetes crush on Gary Scheiner, MS, CDE, Type 1, and founder of Integrated Diabetes Services, LLC. And you know what? I’m not the only one. I recently saw Gary give a talk called “Strike the Spike” at the American Association of...

AADE 2013

I just got home from the American Association of Diabetes Educators’ 2013 conference (AADE 2013) in my current hometown of Philly, and I am exhausted. But fatigue shall not stand in the way of a report! Here, in no particular order, is a list of goings-on and newsworthy events from...

For the Love of Bread

I like to think that diabetes hasn’t changed me — and indeed, in most ways I think I’m still the person I was before I was diagnosed with Type 1 thirteen years ago. But every once in a while, I have an experience that reminds me of how much I’ve...

IDF Diabetes Video – Beware the Diabetes Dementors

I had the opportunity to see Mike & Jess in person last week (what a treat!) and at some point our conversation turned toward the new IDF diabetes awareness video that Mike blogged about a few days ago. To refresh your memories, here it is again: [youtube][/youtube] At that point,...

Diabetes and Exercise, the Saga Continues

I find that my life with diabetes revolves around several recurring themes, with issues around how to exercise with diabetes ranking high among them (see, for example, this blog post from last year, aptly titled “Morning Exercise and Diabetes”). It makes me feel annoyed to repeat myself, but then I...

Do I Dare to Eat a Peach?

A few months ago, I had dinner with a group of people that included a woman who had a tattoo running down her arm in delicate script. At some point in the meal, someone asked her what it said. “It’s a line from ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,”...