Search Results for: catherine price

Type 1 Diabetes and Congress’s To-Do List

...prefer a little less “expressing” and a little more “funding.” Also, looking at the list of items on their agenda makes me want to try to insert one of my own, just to get it through. For example: “H.Res 922 – Recognizing and honoring the fact that Catherine Price is...

How To Know When Diabetes Is Taking Over Your Life

The strange thing about writing about diabetes is that you put yourself at risk of really letting it take over your life. Things can get sort of meta — you’re living with diabetes, but then you’re also writing about living with it. (And in many cases you’re writing about how...

Yacon: The Root of Sweetness

Yacon Powder Every diabetic has a strict hierarchy of artificial sweeteners. For me, Sweet’N Low is firmly at the bottom, cursed by its chemical, saccharine taste. Aspartame-based Equal is next, followed by the top of the artificial sweetener pack, Splenda — made from sucralose, a substance my roommate once described...

A Diabetic Addiction

Do you ever feel like diabetes gear is addictive? Or, rather, that it doesn’t take long to become dependent on something that, just weeks earlier, wasn’t a part of your life at all? I remember feeling that way when I first got the pump — within two weeks I’d forgotten...

A Very Scary Low

I have a problem with beans. Or, rather, legumes in general. I know they’re supposed to be good for me. I know they have a low glycemic index and will break down slowly and, technically speaking, should not be that difficult to control. And yet, for some reason, when I...
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First Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Approved for Use Under New NIH Guidelines

The National Institute of Health (NIH) announced the approval of the first 13 human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines for use in NIH-funded research under the NIH Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research adopted in July 2009. Read Catherine Price’s blog on this Issue Children’s Hospital Boston developed 11 of...

Can I Hear It For The Embryonic Stem Cells?

Great news from the National Institutes of Health and JDRF: yesterday, NIH announced that 13 new human embryonic stem cell lines have been approved for use in NIH-funded research — making them the first stem cell lines to be approved since the new NIH guidelines were adopted in July (correct...

Diabetes in Antiquity

I don’t want to start a war of the nerds or anything, but since Catherine Price brought up her love of Latin, it seems like a fine time to confess that I too am a language mega-dork. In college and grad school I studied Sumerian, Akkadian, Biblical Hebrew, and Ancient...

What Do You Call Your Diabetes?

As my friends know, I am a huge dork — especially when it comes to language. Thanks to some excellent middle and high school Latin teachers (and subsequent stints as a Latin teacher myself), I have an obsessive need to break down words into their roots. Did you know, for...

Thanksgiving, Meet My Pancreas

Now that the carbohydrate frenzy of Thanksgiving has passed, I wanted to write an update on how my pancreas coped with the madness: it did a great job. (Or, rather I did a great job — it’s not like my pancreas is up to much. How interesting that I’m always...