Search Results for: catherine price

I [heart] Jay Cutler!

While I used to love to play touch football (my middle school nickname was The Butcher), I’ve never really enjoyed watching it. So I’ll admit, before Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler started making videos about his struggles with Type 1 diabetes, I didn’t know who he was. But now articles...

Go Blue for Diabetes

...upholstery was white.) It sounded a lot better than my own Halloween — I’d planned to dress up as a Derby girl (stage name: Price Check), but Amazon delivered my skates too late. Plus, the Bay Bridge was closed, so there weren’t really too many people out. I put on...

Life For A Child

On November 14th (otherwise known as World Diabetes Day), the Sundance Channel will air the television premier of a new documentary called Life For A Child. And oh, man, if you were looking for things to feel grateful for, how about this: you don’t have to walk four hours through...

School Nurse Shortages and More Diabetic Kids

I just saw an article in USA Today about how the school nurse shortage is affecting kids with diabetes and it made me very grateful, as I always am, that I wasn’t diagnosed with this disease till I was 22. Not only did that mean that I got to live...

Byetta Approved As Standalone Treatment in Type 2

According to this press release, Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc — the same company that makes my beloved, nauseating Symlin — just got FDA approval to sell its Byetta drug as a standalone medication to improve glycemic control in Type 2. I know much more about Symlin than I do Byetta, but...

Where to wear your CGM

I’ve been using the Abbott Freestyle Navigator continuous glucometer for about 10 months now, and in concept, I love it — it lets me see my blood sugar levels in near real time (okay, it lets me see my interstitial glucose levels with a 15-minute lag, but still). It has...

Stem Cell Therapy For Diabetes: UCSF and Novocell Receive a Huge New Grant

I just got word that a company named Novocell and a team of researchers from the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), headed by Jeffrey Bluestone, have received a huge grant for work on a cellular therapy for diabetes. How big? $20 million. That has to make for a good...

A Diabetic Distraction

You know, with all the energy it takes to keep up with diabetes, sometimes I welcome the chance to engage in things that are truly ridiculous. I was given the chance to do just that a week and a half ago, when I received an announcement about a contest from...

Diabetic Flu Shots, Revisited

Just another reminder that if you’ve got diabetes (or even if you don’t), you really should get a flu shot — and as I noted in a previous post, that really means two shots: the regular flu shot, which you can get pretty easily at places like Walgreens, and the...

The Biggest Diabetic Loser

We just got word that Kim Lyons, the trainer on the NBC series The Biggest Loser is launching a 3-DVD set of exercise videos geared toward Type 2 diabetics. To quote from the press release: The DVD series is a guide to motive people to take responsibility for their own...