Search Results for: catherine price

Feeling Crabby

I’ll admit it: I am exhausted right now, and don’t particularly feel like writing about diabetes. Nor do I feel like dealing with diabetes. But since from as far as I can tell, I still am wearing an insulin pump, I figure I’ll suck it up and post. The reason...

Hey diabetes — want the day off?

...for my glucometer and a little voice inside my pancreas would say, “Hey, Catherine — we hear it’s your big day. How’s about we take a break for 24 hours. You can be diabetic again on Wednesday.” How sweet would that be? Unfortunately, my pancreas didn’t do much talking this...

A Diabetic . . . Horse?

When it comes to Type 1 diabetes, I think there’s one thing almost worse than having the disease yourself: having a kid with diabetes. I cannot imagine the stress parents must feel trying to constantly monitor their children’s glucose levels, simultaneously worried about long-term complications and terrified that their child...

All Calm On The Diabetic Front

No real news to report this morning — diabetes still exists; no one’s found a cure since last night. I’m about to have a phone conversation with an insurance salesman to see if it makes sense for me to switch to my husband’s company’s plan (probably considering the fact that...

A1c Converter

I just got my A1c back and have had a hard time finding a calculator online to see what the number actually correlates to, average blood sugar-wise. So just in case you’re having the same problem, here’s one from Accucheck (there’s a link on the upper right hand side of...

Right On Target

If you look at my little food diary (which I’ve stopped keeping over the past couple days, for shame) and read the part about my target blood glucose levels, you’ll see that I’m setting myself up for failure. I want my fasting glucose to be 100 or lower, and my...

Diabetes and Depression: Duh

This just in from Reuters: researchers have found that depression might make it harder for diabetics to keep their blood sugar levels in check. The researchers, based out of the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, looked at the records of 11,525 veterans, mostly men, who’d been treated for...

Going to Confession

This has nothing to do with research, but I need a moment to express how not excited I am about my Friday. I have a checkup with my endocrinologist, an appointment that I dread since, for reasons that are not entirely clear to me, I always leave his office in...

A Caveat About That Leukemia Drug “Cure”

Right after reading the news of the success of leukemia drugs in reversing type 1 diabetes in mice, I emailed the lead researcher, Dr. Jeffrey Bluestone at UCSF, to find out more about his study. He wrote back the following important caveat, which I thought people might find interesting: Thank...

Diabetic Annoyance #4295

I woke up this morning with blood sugar of 150. (I usually wake up between 80 and 110.) So I took some insulin, and then didn’t eat anything. Checked again. It went up to 170. Since then, it hasn’t been normal all day, despite the fact that the only things...