Search Results for: catherine price

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

I like to think that when it comes to fear, I keep things in perspective. And when my rational mind can’t control my anxiety, I try to figure out ways to deal with it. When I’m about to take-off on the 11am flight from San Francisco to New York on...

Want a continuous glucometer? Me, too.

Here is something I’m grateful for: I have never had to test my blood sugar by peeing on a stick. My glucometer and my pump make life with diabetes easier than I probably could even imagine. But there are still times when I wish I could have a better picture...

Food Logs

Among the many, many irritating things about having diabetes are the four-times-a-year check ups. It’s not so much the appointment itself that bothers me; it’s the way it makes me recognize, in a way I usually try to ignore, that I’ve got a disease. That’s not to say that I’m...

Happy World Diabetes Day!

Did you know that November 14th was World Diabetes Day? I didn’t. But as luck would have it, today is the day I am officially launching the Reluctant Diabetic, my long-overdue online attempt to unite the diabetics of the world. So I have decided to co-opt the holiday. Yes, that’s...